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JUnit-XML based TestNG report

You can create JUnit-XML based reports from TestNG and upload them to Test Management using the terminal.

Executing Test Case with TestNG

You can initiate a TestNG project with this git repository. Use this sample code to execute Test Case.

package com.browserstack;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class BStackDemoTest {
  public void testUpdateUserEmail() {
    Reporter.log("[[PROPERTY|id=TC-1]]\n", true);
    // [..]

  public void addToCart() {
    Reporter.log("[[PROPERTY|id=TC-2]]\n", true);
    // [..]

  public void checkout() {
    Reporter.log("[[PROPERTY|id=TC-3]]\n", false);
    // [..]

Create JUnit-XML test report with TestNG

Note: TestNG by default generates a JUnit-XML report for each execution. The reports can be found in the test-output folder.

Sample JUnit-XML report generated from TestNG in the test-output folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Generated by org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter -->
<testsuite hostname="Sh*****" failures="0" tests="2" name="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" time="0.007" errors="0" timestamp="2023-04-20T10:46:28 IST" skipped="0">
   <testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="testUpdateUserEmail" time="0.000" />
   <testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="addToCart" time="0.006" />
   <testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="checkout" time="0.001" />
<!-- com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest -->

Steps to upload the JUnit-XML test report

Open the project directory in the Terminal and load the variables.

export TEST_MANAGEMENT_API_TOKEN="*************28a42"
export JUNIT_XML_FILE_PATH="<Report Path>"
export TEST_RUN_NAME="<Test Run Name>"
export USER_EMAIL="<Email Address>"
Note: You can get your TEST_MANAGEMENT_API_TOKEN from the Active API Key section in the Settings of BrowserStack Test Management.

Upload the JUnit-XML test report using curl command.

curl -k -X POST \
-F "file_path=@$JUNIT_XML_FILE_PATH" \
-F test_run_name="$TEST_RUN_NAME" \
-F user_email=$USER_EMAIL
Note: Report upload will take a few seconds to about a minute depending on the size of your test-suite. Do not interrupt the cURL command until you get the response back.

You can also upload JUnit-XML test report with TestNG using CI/CD.

Access the test run report from the console generated URL

After your report is successfully uploaded, you see a message similar to the following in your terminal. This message also generates a URL with "url" parameter that you can use to access your automated test run.

{"message":"File uploaded successfully.","url":"<project id>/test-runs/<test run id>","success":true}

View test run report in Test Management

  1. Log in to the BrowserStack Test Management dashboard.
  2. Select the relevant project that has the test report uploaded.
  3. Click Test Runs.
  4. Open the Test Run generated from automation test exectution.
  5. You will find all the test cases with their respective results here.

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