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Test Case ID Tagging

Learn about Test Case ID tagging for automated test cases.

The tagged test case results are recorded in the test run of Test Management whenever the automation suite is run. These test cases can be both manual or automated type in the Test Management repository.

Test case ID tagging is currently supported only for JUNIT-XML-based reports with TestNG and PyTest.

Integrate test case ID tagging with test suites


Ensure you have a project and some test cases created in your Test Management account.

Add Test Case ID in the test suite

You can add a test case ID to your test suite with Reporter.log("[[PROPERTY|id=<test-case-id>]]\n", true); in TestNG and record_property("id", "<test-case-id>") in PyTest.

Following are the sample code snippets to add test case ID in the test suites.

package com.browserstack;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class BStackDemoTest {
  public void testUpdateUserEmail() {
    Reporter.log("[[PROPERTY|id=TC-1]]\n", true);
    // [..]

  public void addToCart() {
    Reporter.log("[[PROPERTY|id=TC-2]]\n", true);
    // [..]
import pytest

def test_div_zero_exception(record_property):
    pytest.raises can assert that exceptions are raised (catching them)
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        record_property("id", "TC-52628")
        x = 1 / 0

def test_keyerror_details(record_property):
    The raised exception can be referenced, and further inspected (or asserted)
    record_property("id", "TC-52629")
    my_map = {"foo": "bar"}

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as ke:
        baz = my_map["baz"]

    # Our KeyError should reference the missing key, "baz"
    assert "baz" in str(ke)

def test_approximate_matches(record_property):
    pytest.approx can be used to assert "approximate" numerical equality
    (compare to "assertAlmostEqual" in unittest.TestCase)
    record_property("id", "TC-52630")
    assert 0.1 + 0.2 == pytest.approx(0.3)

Execute the test suite

Run your test suite using one of the following.

  1. CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps or Jenkins.
  2. CLI.


Following are the sample test run reports.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Generated by org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter -->
<testsuite hostname="Sh*****" failures="0" tests="2" name="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" time="0.006" errors="0" timestamp="2023-04-20T10:46:28 IST" skipped="0">
   <testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="testUpdateUserEmail" time="0.000" />
   <testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="addToCart" time="0.006" />
<!-- com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <testsuite name="pytest" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" tests="7" time="0.017" timestamp="2023-04-18T18:10:07.535667" hostname="Sh*****">
      <testcase classname="00_empty_test" name="test_empty" time="0.000" />
      <testcase classname="01_basic_test" name="test_example" time="0.000" />
      <testcase classname="02_special_assertions_test" name="test_div_zero_exception" time="0.000">
            <property name="id" value="TC-52628" />
      <testcase classname="02_special_assertions_test" name="test_keyerror_details" time="0.000">
            <property name="id" value="TC-52629" />
      <testcase classname="02_special_assertions_test" name="test_approximate_matches" time="0.000">
            <property name="id" value="TC-52630" />
      <testcase classname="03_simple_fixture_test" name="test_with_local_fixture" time="0.000" />
      <testcase classname="03_simple_fixture_test" name="test_with_global_fixture" time="0.000" />

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